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New York City Furniture: Featured Projects

Eustis Chair has partnered with respected institutions all over the country. We are always proud to share the projects we’ve worked on. Here is a look at some of the New York city furniture projects we’ve been a part of.   Library Projects   Eustis...

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What does it mean to be green?

Terms like “green living,” “eco-friendly” and “sustainability” are often thrown around in discussions about furniture. But what do they actually mean?   Let’s break it down   At their root, the above phrases can be used interchangeably to mean being kind to the planet. To...

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Durable University Furniture

Durability is one of the most important factors you should consider when purchasing university furniture. Furniture in this setting must undergo a variety of strains. You need the very best to withstand the constant use (and at times, abuse). Before buying, make sure that each piece is sturdy enough for the task.

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Our Most Popular Wood Chair

If you're browsing our chair catalog and are wondering to yourself, "What is the most popular wood chair?" -- Look no further! Here are our 4 best-selling chairs.

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Library Design: Building a Community Space

Traditionally, libraries have merely had a transactional purpose, revolving around lending books. These days, with the Internet and e-books making reading infinitely more accessible, libraries have had to get innovative and implement change to keep patrons coming through their doors. No longer can they rely on being defined by the exchange of physical books.  

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