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what does it mean to be green

What does it mean to be green?

Terms like “green living,” “eco-friendly” and “sustainability” are often thrown around in discussions about furniture. But what do they actually mean?


Let’s break it down


At their root, the above phrases can be used interchangeably to mean being kind to the planet.

To be more specific, “eco-friendly” is a term used to describe things, people, and products that are quite literally friendly to the environment.

“Green living” is a lifestyle that prioritizes making choices that improve nature and minimize negative human impact.

“Sustainability” is more of a broader phrase that can be applied to different areas. In regard to environmentalism, sustainable practices are those that aim to meet our current societal demands without endangering the future of the planet.


What to look for when purchasing


It’s safe to say that most consumers would like to make choices that are environmentally friendly. But sometimes it’s easier said than done to find furniture sustainability. In the U.S., so many products are made overseas with cheap, unsustainable materials by companies that don’t care about being green. It can be difficult to find eco-conscious businesses to support.

And although it’s easy to get lost in the sea of fast furniture, supporting sustainable companies is such an important step in living green; even one good choice can make a world of difference. A small change has a significant impact in the long run. For instance, if every office worker in the UK used one less staple a day by using a reusable paper clip, 120 tonnes of steel would be saved in one year


Be cautious of brands that are “green-washing,”, especially around Earth Day. It can be hard to tell if a company’s advertising about its values surrounding environmentalism is genuine. Some companies tend to be dishonest with how green their products actually are in order to simply make money. Don’t believe all the marketing you see.

Make sure to do your research beyond what it says on an item’s packaging. Catch-all claims like being “all-natural” are hard to prove, whereas specific claims, like being 100% recyclable, are more trustworthy. Having external certifications and labels is a good sign. Also, make sure to take a look at the business broadly and observe without bias the evidence of their values to make sure they align with yours.


Eustis Chair’s dedication to furniture sustainability


Here at Eustis Chair, we are serious about caring for the planet. Our products are made with sustainably harvested wood and consume less energy than other furniture methods and materials. We prioritize making our chairs and tables last for decades so they stay in your institution and out of landfills. Our factory is FSC-certified and takes the highest recycling measures. The factory sawdust and shavings are even reused as animal bedding on local farms. In addition, our chairs ship out in reusable bubble-wrap bags. We use a GREENGUARD-certified finish on our wood, tested in dynamic environmental chambers to meet strict chemical emissions limits. And, as the industry moves forward in terms of eco-consciousness and furniture sustainability, we are always looking for new and innovative ways to improve.


You can read more about our commitment to being green here. Like us, we hope that you strive to make the world a better place one piece of furniture at a time.

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