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School Furniture Purchasing Guide

School Furniture Purchasing Guide

Whether your school is simply ready to update the look with new furniture or you are planning for a full renovation, we can help. There are a few key items to keep in mind when purchasing school furniture. School needs, aesthetics, furniture size, durability and strength, clean-ability, and comfort are all important considerations.




The first question you’ll want to ask is: what does our school need? You will want to take a look at the current setup to determine what works and what does not. During times when the students do not have to be in their desks, do they gravitate to one area over another? Why? Are you able to move your furniture easily for different room configurations? If not, you will likely want to purchase hardwood stacking school chairs. Wooden school chairs that stack can be easily stored away or moved around the room.


belmont hill school




Take a look at the aesthetics. If you are simply replacing aging furniture, you will likely want to keep with the same look of the room. However, if you are fully renovating the space you may decide for a more updated space with classic, durable chairs. Consider hardwood furniture. The hardwood can be stained to perfectly match existing furniture or other wood detailing in the room. If you select chairs with upholstery, you can match it to the space as well.


Furniture Size


If you are keeping existing tables, you will want to select chairs that are the appropriate size for the tables. A table that is too low with a chair that is too high can be uncomfortable.


School Furniture Purchasing Guide


Durability and Strength


The durability and strength of the chairs are especially important in a school. You certainly do not want students to injure themselves if they decide to lean back in their chairs. The Eustis Joint allows for hardwood school chair joints to be stronger than the hardwood used to build the chairs. This ensures the chairs will last for decades, even if your busiest spaces. 


Can the school furniture be easily cleaned?


In a post-pandemic world, we know how important it is for our furniture to be clean. Hardwood furniture can be easily disinfected in a few simple steps. 





You want students and faculty to be comfortable. Unfortunately, not all companies design chairs with comfort in mind. Hardwood chairs by Eustis Chair are known for their ergonomic designs and can even help to alleviate back pain

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