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Millbrook dining chairs

Leadership and Sustainability: Renaming Millbrook School’s Dining Hall in Drew Casertano’s Honor

It’s the heart of any school. A dining hall is more than just a place to eat—it’s a gathering space where community is nurtured, relationships are strengthened, and values are lived out daily. At Millbrook School, this spirit of connection and stewardship is evident in every corner of its dining facility, which has recently been renamed Casertano Dining Hall in honor of Drew Casertano, headmaster for decades and a leader whose transformative vision helped shape the school’s commitment to both community and sustainability.


Sustainable Measures


Millbrook School’s dedication to environmental stewardship shines brightly in the operations of Casertano Dining Hall. From sourcing local food to minimizing waste, the dining hall embodies the school’s core values. They source most of their food from nearby farms, including Hudson Valley Fresh, an organic and hormone-free dairy co-op. Even their apples come from the Hudson Valley, while coffee is sourced from a local roastery in nearby Millerton, New York. By making as much as possible in-house, including bread and desserts, they’ve reduced their reliance on external vendors, cutting down the number of deliveries by a third—a huge win for both sustainability and the local economy.


In addition to these efforts, the dining hall makes impressive strides in waste reduction. They contribute around 44 pounds of food waste daily to their in-house compost program, diverting nearly all waste from large events, often leaving less than one bag of trash after feeding more than 450 people. Serving trays were removed back in 2008, a decision that has reduced food waste by nearly 30%, while also saving energy and water. These initiatives make Casertano Dining Hall not only a place for students to gather and eat but also a model for sustainable living, embodying the values Drew Casertano championed throughout his career.


Renaming Ceremony


As Daniela Voith, a longtime collaborator with Millbrook, noted during the renaming ceremony, “The Dining Hall is all about building community, and no one has done more or cared more about that than Drew.” Indeed, Drew’s leadership has left an indelible mark on the school, transforming it through his unwavering dedication to fostering community and instilling environmental responsibility. Renaming the dining hall in his honor is a fitting tribute to his years of service and his commitment to making Millbrook a place where students learn not just in the classroom but in every aspect of life.


At Eustis Chair, we are proud to support institutions like Millbrook School that share our passion for sustainability and community building. Our stacking chairs, such as those used in dining halls across the country, including Millbrook, are built to last for generations. Not only are they crafted from sustainably sourced hardwood, but they are engineered for comfort and durability—ensuring that they can withstand the daily wear of large, communal spaces like Casertano Dining Hall. Our chairs are more than just furniture; they are an integral part of fostering the sense of connection that defines places like Millbrook.


An Inspiring Legacy


As Drew Casertano’s legacy continues to inspire future generations, Casertano Dining Hall will stand as a symbol of his vision for a community that lives in harmony with its environment. Whether it’s through sustainable practices like composting and sourcing local food, or the simple act of gathering around a table, the dining hall will continue to nourish both the bodies and minds of Millbrook’s students for years to come.

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