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Library Seating

How to select library furniture

Top 6 Things to Consider when Selecting Library Furniture

Top 6 Things to Consider when Selecting Library Furniture: -Library Needs -Library Aesthetic -Library Size -Durability and Strength of Furniture -How easily can you clean the library furniture? -How comfortable is the library furniture?...

library chairs

Library Design: Building a Community Space

Traditionally, libraries have merely had a transactional purpose, revolving around lending books. These days, with the Internet and e-books making reading infinitely more accessible, libraries have had to get innovative and implement change to keep patrons coming through their doors. No longer can they rely...

Sustainable chairs, Sustainable libraries

Sustainable Chairs, Sustainable Libraries

When a community is ready to update their existing library or build a new one, they should place a focus on sustainable design. The way in which buildings are designed can have a large effect on how many natural resources they use up each year....

New York Public Library Chair

New York Public Library Chairs

The New York Public Library has provided its patrons with free resources since 1895. The Rose Reading Room, a staple of the New York Public Library, features a beloved piece of interior decorating close to our hearts here at Eustis Chair: our Rose Reading...